Open Source

I certify that
I'm a Real Human.

Decentralized identity protocol built on Ethereum.

Launch Dapp

Self-Sovereign Identity for Web3

A verified Proof of Humanity address on Ethereum
enables the human right to an identity beyond Nation-States.

Submit Profile

Make a quick 10 second video and upload your humanity proof.

Vouch Others

Help the registry by vouching for other submissions you trust.

Challenge Sybils

Profit by detecting duplicate accounts or robots.

Streaming UBI

Start accruing Universal Basic Income 💧

UBI is a cryptocurrency that streams to verified humans on Ethereum.

One UBI per Hour.

UBI streams into your Web3 wallet in real time, accruing new amounts every second once verified.

Our mission is to eradicate poverty.

UBI helps to level up the playing field for everyone in the world. It's borderless, open source & democratic.

The Proof of Humanity DAO

Democratically Governed.

Improvement Proposals.

Help improve the protocol parameters and legal policy with HIPs.

Snapshot Voting.

Participate in the DAO with your vote or delegating power to those you trust.

On-chain enforcement.

Improve the smart contract and its policy with time-locked transactions.

Multi Chain

On Leading Chains.

Ethereum Mainnet

0.125 ETH

More secure and composable with Ethereum.

Stake 0.125 ETH for 3.5 days.
Get a vouch from a verified human.
Proof of Humanity v1
Polygon Mainnet


More inclusive access to Proof of Humanity.

Low on gas and minimal staking requirements.
Connect with the amazing Polygon ecosystem.
Under development...

What real humans
say about it.

One path is to focus more on the newer and smaller sub-movements, that are more opinionated about their values. The "regen finance" movement in ethereum (big credit to Proof of Humanity) is one great example.

Vitalik Buterin

Proof Of Humanity is doing a bold experiment and trying out Quadratic delegate power.

Alex van de Sande

Proof of Humanity enables anyone to access their right to identity in a world where 1.5 billion people are being denied such right. It's a fundamental step towards digital democracy and a more inclusive Internet.

Santiago Siri

Perhaps the first and most immediate appeal of Proof of Humanity is its built-in universal basic income component.

Time Magazine

I like how proof of humanity allowed sponsors to pay the cost to enter the registry for others. In a web of trust  you don’t need the captors yourself, you just need to find someone who can front the capital for you

Kevin Owokci

Proof of Humanity, slowly but steadily, becoming a pillar of the Internet of the future.

Federico Ast